Tuesday, November 19, 2013

You. Yes, You.

I think of you
And a smile carved helplessly
With the messy hair
with your goofiness
With words so proper
Who made me merry, who made me gay
With smiles and laughter
As you joke away
With random stories, and quirky encounter
And even random thoughts that made me ponder

Time flies fast when you're around
If feels as though it just started
Perhaps even time is envious
Of you and I chatting and laughing

With your charming smile
And twinkles in your eyes
How could a person afford to hate?
Someone who is able to bring out your charms
And honestly tells you your mistake

Indeed I feel grateful
To be in your circle
With spirits so high
That your definitely can touch the sky
A friend I truly adore
And perhaps more

Yet of course the latter
Brings nothing but trouble
It is a risk I dare not take
Because something bigger is at stake
And losing it will bring bereavement
And a heart will definitely break

I would rather appreciate and accept
The fate that is written already
And making the best of it
For you and for me

So here's to endless friendship
I really hope it will be
Because you are one of the best things
That's happened to me.

-September 2013-

Those were the days

There are days
Where she just wants to curl herself
And sit under the shower
With water falling hard to her head
As she cries alone in the bathroom

There are days
Where music is an annoyance
And silence is welcomed
Where chatter seems like a hateful task
And quiet is like a lifelong passion

There are days
Where she wishes nothing more than being alone
For fear of heartbroken or forgotten

There are days
Where nothing in this world is worth living for
And that it is nothing but an empty pit stop
A pit stop for a place she knows not where

There are days
Where she wonders her purpose of living
Breathing in every air
Walking in every soil

But mistake her not
She is far from being ungrateful
Not even near hatred
Towards those she holds most dear
For when she loves, she loves hard

And when the big thunder of hatred, betrayal and envy come hitting her
She is left little to hold on to dear life
To keep on staying alive
To keep surviving

She has one weak, small heart
Full with stitches and bandages of wounds past
Complete blame would be unjust
For she is just trying to live with whatever's left

There are days
Like this day
Where she pens down her innermost feelings onto a piece of paper
Despite knowing how easily it could be jeopardised

Because there are days
Where she thinks trust is a strong shield
And words and thoughts of people are like pebbles in one's shoes
Nothing but unwanted and unworthy.

-October 2013-